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Are you concerned about a child’s safety? Use the Codigo di Proteccion.

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What do the five steps of the Codigo di Proteccion consist of? An overview.


The five steps of the Codigo di proteccion Infantil y Hubenil

The Codigo di Proteccion came into effect in April 2021. This means that a larger group of professionals that work with children are obliged to follow the steps of this code in the event of concerns and signs of child abuse.

Do you see signs of child abuse? Use the following five steps:

Step 1

Collate and list the signs. Consider whether there are any earlier signs that you have overlooked. In addition, consider the family’s strengths, and list these too.

Step 2

Discuss with a colleague or the Supervisor di Codigo, the person within your organisation who is knowledgeable about child abuse and applying the code. Or you can call the Bureau Sostenemi (Advies en Meldpunt Kindermishandeling /Advice and Child Abuse Reporting Center). Share the concerns you have about the child with them. Together you determine if the behaviour and the signs that you have seen are reason enough to suspect child abuse. You also discuss the family’s strengths.

Step 3

Talk to the family. Present the signs you have seen or heard to the parents and discuss your concerns about these. In addition, talk to the family about the strengths you have seen and pose questions to get a better picture of both the strengths and the concerns. Discuss this with the child too, if possible. Make sure the child is not endangered by the conversations you have with either the parents or the child.

Step 4

Assess the child’s safety. The Signs of Safety framework and sliding scale can help you assess and evaluate safety. When in doubt, always consult the Supervisor di Codigo or call the AMK for advice.

Step 5

Is help or support needed to stop the child abuse and make the situation safer? If so, can you offer that help yourself, can you work with the family and their network, or enlist the help of others?

Are you unable to provide help yourself or enlist help? Then consult with the AMK about reporting the case. Discuss what you can contribute to help stop the child abuse. Both reporting and providing assistance are possible at the same time.

Is help or support needed to stop the child abuse and make the situation safer? If so, can you offer that help yourself, can you work with the family and their network, or enlist the help of others?

Are you unable to provide help yourself or enlist help? Then consult with the AMK about reporting the case. Discuss what you can contribute to help stop the child abuse. Both reporting and providing assistance are possible at the same time.

Step 5

Assess the child’s safety. The Signs of Safety framework and sliding scale can help you assess and evaluate safety. When in doubt, always consult the Supervisor di Codigo or call the AMK for advice.

Step 4

Talk to the family. Present the signs you have seen or heard to the parents and discuss your concerns about these. In addition, talk to the family about the strengths you have seen and pose questions to get a better picture of both the strengths and the concerns. Discuss this with the child too, if possible. Make sure the child is not endangered by the conversations you have with either the parents or the child.

Step 3

Discuss with a colleague or the Supervisor di Codigo, the person within your organisation who is knowledgeable about child abuse and applying the code. Or you can call the Bureau Sostenemi (Advies en Meldpunt Kindermishandeling /Advice and Child Abuse Reporting Center). Share the concerns you have about the child with them. Together you determine if the behaviour and the signs that you have seen are reason enough to suspect child abuse. You also discuss the family’s strengths.

Step 2

Collate and list the signs. Consider whether there are any earlier signs that you have overlooked. In addition, consider the family’s strengths, and list these too.

Step 1

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More information:

Test your knowledge about the Codigo de Proteccion in 8 minutes

Are you concerned about a child’s safety? Use the Codigo di Proteccion.

Do you see signs of child abuse? Use the following five steps:

Watch the video about the Codigo di Proteccion

The Codigo di Proteccion came into effect in April 2021. This means that a larger group of professionals that work with children are obliged to follow the steps of this code in the event of concerns and signs of child abuse.

What do the five steps of the Codigo di Proteccion consist of? An overview.


The five steps of the Codigo di proteccion Infantil y Hubenil